Caroline Pliva

Bilingual Real Estate Agent

A little bit about me...

Meet Caroline, your dedicated real estate agent with an authentic connection to Ottawa and its surrounding communities. Caroline was born and raised in the heart of our nation’s capital, giving her an unparalleled understanding of the area. Fluent in both English and French, Caroline effortlessly bridges cultural and linguistic divides, ensuring seamless communication with all her clients. Her bilingualism not only expands her clientele but also fosters trust and understanding in every interaction. Caroline's path to real estate was unique; she spent 16 years in the airline industry before pursuing her true passion. Her extensive experience in the fast-paced aviation world equipped her with invaluable skills in negotiation, handling stressful situations with grace, and cultivating genuine compassion for people from all walks of life. As the wife of a military husband and a mother to two energetic boys, Caroline values adaptability and resilience. Balancing the demands of family life with her professional commitments, she approaches each day with unwavering dedication and a commitment to excellence.

Outside of real estate, Caroline finds solace in the great outdoors. Whether hiking through Ottawa's scenic trails or camping under the stars with her family, she cherishes every moment spent in nature. A talented musician, Caroline enjoys playing her guitar and sharing her love for music with others through her soulful voice. In her professional practice, Caroline upholds a set of core values that guide her decision-making. Putting her clients' interests above all else, she prioritizes transparency, trust, and dedication to achieving their goals. Building lasting relationships based on integrity and mutual respect, Caroline ensures her clients are in capable hands every step of the way. With Caroline as your real estate agent, you can expect personalized service, professionalism, and a genuine passion for helping you find your perfect home in Ottawa's vibrant communities.

A little about me...

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